The Home of Small College Rugby in America
Rev. 0 – Issued August 2016
Revisions to the 2015-16 Policy are highlighted in yellow
In keeping with its goal to raise the profile of small college rugby as well as helping its growth and development, the NSCRO has prepared its Player Eligibility Policy to insure fairness in competitive league and playoff matches and to allow flexible participation of student-athletes (also referred to as players), including non-traditional students. NSCRO recognizes the presence of non-traditional students attending small colleges and the need for their inclusion. Traditional students are those who typically graduate high school who then start college and attend for four to five years full-time earning a bachelor’s degree. Non-traditional students include those who start college right after high school and may have to stop attending or who start years after finishing high school. Generally this happens due to military service, meeting family needs, etc. and such students attend college often part-time, may hold a job and also may commute to school daily from home. NSCRO believes that the inclusion of non-traditional full-time students reflects the realities of college life. Therefore, NSCRO provides each student-athlete with five (5) years to compete in collegiate rugby within a seven (7) year eligibility period from the date the student-athlete first enrolled in a university or college.
It is the responsibility of the governing Conference/Union to insure student-athlete compliance of this Policy for matches directly under their control. Compliance verification should be performed in both semesters and before the spring quarter and after the winter quarter, as applicable, of the school year (starting in August or September).
Eligibility at all NSCRO Playoff Matches will be verified for compliance by an appointed Representative and shall be done in accordance with NSCRO’s “Regulations for Playoff Matches”.
Each Conference/Union and member club is deemed to have full knowledge of the content of this Policy.
Each Conference/Union and member club must ensure that it complies with this Policy and must further ensure that it takes appropriate action to inform each and every one of its members of the terms of this Policy and the obligation to comply with the same.
A Conference/Union may not impose any more stringent regulations than identified by this Policy, unless it can demonstrate such changes are in the best interests of their members, who concur with the changes, and such changes will not adversely affect NSCRO’s goals for the growth and development of small college rugby. Documentation must be submitted to NSCRO accordingly for review and approval in a timely manner.
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Academic Year – An annual period during which a student attends a college or university beginning with the first day of the fall semester or quarter and ending at the conclusion of the summer semester or quarter.
Academic Term – An academic session that is a division of the Academic Year. This includes a quarter (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) and a semester (Fall, Spring, Summer).
Qualifying Match – any match in which the result is used to determine official competition standings and/or to determine qualification for the NSCRO playoffs leading to the national championship.
Policy Regulations – Players
In order to participate in any Qualifying Match and the NSCRO Playoffs, the student-athlete must meet all of the following eligibility regulations at the time of the qualifying match:
1. The student-athlete must be a CIPP-registered member of USA Rugby.
2. The student-athlete must be within seven (7) years from the date the student-athlete first enrolled in a university or college. Any college courses that are taken during high school do not start the eligibility clock. Student-athletes may only compete for a college or university for a maximum of five (5) years of rugby based on USA Rugby CIPP enrollment history. Playing rugby one semester or term during an academic year counts as an entire year. Exceptions will be considered as part of this Policy’s appeals process.
3. The student-athlete must be enrolled as an undergraduate student seeking his/her first undergraduate degree or certificate seeking program and meet all requirements set by their school for participation. The student-athlete must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credits to maintain NSCRO eligibility.
a. A student-athlete within his/her final Academic Term who requires less than six (6) credits to graduate can still maintain NSCRO eligibility. A letter from an authorized school official confirming such status with permission to participate on the rugby club must be provided.
b. A student-athlete enrolled in post-graduate studies (graduate school or pursuance of an additional bachelor’s degree) and is within seven (7) years from the date the student-athlete first enrolled in a university or college may maintain eligibility if they have yet to compete in five (5) years of rugby and received his or her baccalaureate degree from an institution in the United States.
c. A student-athlete competing for a university or college during the Fall semester in league matches is eligible through the National Championships of that Academic Year if he/she graduated no earlier than the end of the Fall semester. This is only permitted if a letter from an authorized school official is provided giving permission for this person to participate with their rugby club and that the school accepts liability for this person.
4. The student-athlete must play on the team representing the school in which he/she is enrolled.
a. Student-athletes attending a “nearby” college or university that does not have a rugby club may be eligible to participate if both schools provide written documentation providing permission to play rugby for the school with the rugby club.
b. The total enrollment of the “combined” colleges must not exceed the enrollment limit set forth in the applicable NSCRO Team Eligibility Policy. Requests for a waiver to this requirement may be submitted to NSCRO Eligibility Director at for consideration.
Documentation Required: Each school shall submit a letter signed by the authorized official giving permission (typically it is provided by the Club/Recreation Sports Department) as well the school’s Risk Management office or appropriate administrator. This requirement is to insure that each school has properly reviewed this matter. Letters shall be submitted to the governing Conference/Union who shall submit to NSCRO for review and acceptance on an annual basis.
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Policy Regulations – Players (cont’d)
5. A student-athlete must not have played in a Qualifying Match for any other collegiate team or senior club at any level during the current Academic Year. Transfer students may appeal for a waiver.
6. Players who are 25 years of age or older as of September 1 of the start of the competition cycle, who otherwise meet these Regulations, may participate in any Qualifying Match and the NSCRO Playoffs subject to the following:
a. A club may have an unlimited number of such players on their team roster.
b. No more than five (5) such players are permitted on a match roster up to the 23 players allowed by The Laws of the Game.
Student-Athlete Under the Age of 19
Any student-athlete under the age of nineteen (Under 19) should not play in any college rugby match unless they are in compliance with USA Rugby’s “Policy for Under 18s and Under 19s Playing Community (Adult or College) Rugby”.
Amateurism Student-athletes must meet and remain in compliance with all applicable amateur standards as set forth by USA Rugby.
Policy Compliance – Enforcement
Compliance with this Policy at all Qualifying Matches played under the jurisdiction of the Conference/Union shall be enforced by said Conference/Union with the use of the NSCRO “Player Eligibility Verification (PEV) Form” and any other related Conference/Union documents. The Conference/Union must establish a “Game Day Protocol” to insure compliance accordingly. The PEV Form must be completed by the school which the player is attending. If the player is attending a “nearby” school in accordance with Regulation 4 and that school is unable to complete the PEV Form, please contact the NSCRO Eligibility Director at for direction.
For players who are eligible under any of the Exceptions identified in this Policy, additional documentation (dated letter signed by an authorized school official) from their school is required to verify compliance as follows:
If an undergraduate student is in their final term taking less than 6 credits, compliance with NSCRO Regulation 3, Exception a.
If student has graduated, compliance with NSCRO Regulation 3, Exception c.
If the student is not enrolled in the school for which they are playing for, compliance with the Exceptions to NSCRO Regulation 4. .
For Conference/Union league play, the above verification documentation shall be submitted to the Conference/Union as instructed by them, such as via email with a scan of the original letter.
The original signed PEV Form(s) and letter(s) shall be maintained by the club and be available for review at Conference/Union league and playoffs matches prior to the start of the match as instructed by the Conference/Union. For leagues with playoffs to determine who will qualify for the NSCRO playoffs, the Conference/Union must submit the qualifying club’s PEV Form to NSCRO within a day of qualification along with normal club contact information. Therefore teams are encouraged to complete a PEV prior to their League/Conference playoffs, whether or not it is required.
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Policy Compliance – Enforcement (cont’d) For leagues without playoffs, the Conference/Union shall submit the PEV Form for the league leading clubs that can potentially win the league title no less than 2 weeks prior to the NSCRO playoff match. NSCRO shall review and approve the participation of all players shown on the PEV Form in the NSCRO playoffs. The original signed PEV Form(s) shall be presented to the NSCRO Representative during the Eligibility Check-In at all NSCRO playoff matches in accordance with the NSCRO “Regulations for Playoff Matches”. PEV Forms are to be submitted to
After the Fall season, once the school’s new semester (or Spring quarter) begins this verification process will need to start over as students may no longer be enrolled or their enrollment status may have changed impacting their eligibility.
The aforementioned Policy Compliance process is solely for student-athletes who are in compliance with this Policy included stated Exceptions.
For players who are not in compliance with this Policy that a Club feels there is a basis for their eligibility may submit an appeal to NSCRO. In such cases, the Club Coach or President shall first contact the NSCRO Eligibility Director to determine if the case is appealable. If the case is determined to have merit, NSCRO will advise what specific information and documentation is required to be submitted to NSCRO with a copy sent to the club’s Conference/Union. NSCRO will advise if the appeal is accepted or not and if it is accepted, a Waiver shall be granted allowing the player’s participation in matches governed by this Policy. The Waiver must be presented as part of the governing Conference/Union Game Day Protocol as well as during Check-In at an NSCRO playoff match.
Failure to Comply
NSCRO reserves the right to take disciplinary action, as it deems appropriate, which may include penalties against the student-athlete, his/her club and the governing Conference/Union for any violation of this Policy.
Author: admin
Fall Season Fast Approaching
College Rugby
Tri-State Rugby Conference
NY, NJ, & CT
Friday August 12th, 2016
Fall 2016 Season Fast Approaching
Out with the old and in with the new!
Members and all those interested in the action can now go to the new Tri-State Rugby Conference web site at – please feel free to link to the site using social media and send in news and recent photographs of your team.
Report Results
Please have a team member report the scores each weekend to the as well as
Feel free to provide scorers names and comments as we make the effort to better inform our collegiate rugby community.
When you need to contact another team just go to the main menu where it shows the word TEAMS then navigate to the team you need to contact. There you will find all the points of contact for that program.
The web site still has a lot more potential and we will be adding to the design. We hope to have a RUGBY IMPORTS PLAYER OF THE WEEK program in place and details of that will follow as the season gets underway. A big thank you to Mr. Brett Anker who has taken on the job of webmaster – with his work we hope to make the site a dynamic and more informative vehicle.
All 2015-2016 members and clubs expire Wednesday August 31, 2016
New Members become current Monday August 15, 2016
NSCRO Playoff dates 2016-17 (Men)
NSCRO announces 2016-17 Playoff Dates
Mr. Bill Krecker is the NSCRO Northeast Region Commissioner. He will be leading the effort and coordinating playoff planning and other activities relating to this Region for the Men’s NSCRO schools.
NSCRO Playoff Plans
Champions Cup
Qualifier – single match
Nov. 12 – Northeast : Upstate 2 vs NERFU 2 – Location TBD, likely Saratoga Springs, NY
Regional Championship
Nov. 19-20 – NERFU 1, Tri-State 1, Upstate 1, Northeast Qualifier – Location TBD
National Championship – 4 Regional Champs
April 29-30 – Infinity Park, Glendale, CO (under contract)
Marist College Men Win Tri-State 7s Title
The Marist College Men defeated the Vassar College Men in all-Poughkeepsie final in the Tri-State 7s Championship held at Vassar College.
Both teams went undefeated in Group play winning all 3 of their games before besting their opponents in the semifinals. Marist knocked off SUNY-New Paltz Men while Vassar won a thriller over William Paterson University Men.
The final was a close affair throughout but Marist kept their nose in front and eventually sealed the win as Vassar pressed down 12-17. A score from Vassar would have seen them tie or win but the ball went down and Marist ran it in for the 24-12 victory.
Tri-State Conference Women – Fall 2016 Schedules Announced
The Tri-State Conference Fall 2016 Schedules have been announced and there has been something of a reshuffle with some new teams forming and the exit of Rutgers University Women. The realignment of teams has less bearing on geography, despite the fact that the divisions are labeled North and South, and more emphasis on teams competing so that they get good games each weekend. The North Division is comprised of the top 6 finishers from Fall 2015 and the South Division the next 6 teams. This allows for competitive games and the playoff structure seeds the teams with all making the playoffs so having a shot at winning the Conference Championship. Thus the Conference is both developmental and competitive.
Tri-State Conference – Collegiate Women
Regular Season
Sun 9/11/2016
Fairfield University Women at SUNY-Binghamton Women
Siena College Women at Vassar College Women
U. at Albany Women at Stony Brook University Women
Hofstra University Women at Marist College Women
Montclair State Uni. Women at SUNY-New Paltz Women
Rensselear Polytechnic Women at Fordham University Women
Sat 9/17/2016
Vassar College Women at U. at Albany Women
Marist College Women at Siena College Women
SUNY-Binghamton Women at Rensselear Polytechnic Women
Sun 9/18/2016
Stony Brook University Women at Hofstra University Women
SUNY-New Paltz Women at Fordham University Women
Fairfield University Women at Montclair State Uni. Women
Sat 9/24/2016
U. at Albany Women at Siena College Women
Vassar College Women at Hofstra University Women
Sun 9/25/2016
Marist College Women at Stony Brook University
SUNY-New Paltz Women at Fairfield University Women
Fordham University Women at SUNY-Binghamton Women
Montclair State Uni. Women at Rensselaer Polytechnic Women
Bard College Women at Drew University Women
LIU Women at Manhattanville College Women
Sat 10/1/2016
Stony Brook University Women at Siena College Women
Hofstra University Women at U. at Albany Women
Sun 10/2/2016
Marist College Women at Vassar College Women
SUNY-Binghamton Women at SUNY-New Paltz Women
Fordham University Women at Montclair State Uni. Women
Rensselaer Polytechnic Women at Fairfield University Women
Manhattanville College Women at Bard College Women
Drew University Women at LIU Women
Sat 10/8/2016
Siena College Women at Hofstra University Women
Sun 10/9/2016
U. at Albany Women at Marist College Women
Stony Brook University Women at Vassar College Women
Fairfield University Women at Fordham University Women
SUNY-New Paltz Women at Rensselaer Polytechnic Women
Montclair State Uni. Women at SUNY-Binghamton Women
LIU Women at Bard College Women
Manhattanville College Women at Drew University Women
Sun 10/16/2016
Conference Wildcard Playoff (higher seed is the home team)
WC1 South 2 v South 3 WC2 North 5 v South 6
WC3 South 1 v South 4 WC4 North 6 v South 5
Bard College Women at Manhattanville College Women
LIU Women at Drew University Women
Sun 10/23/2016
Conference Playoffs (higher seed is the home team)
WQ1 North 1 v Winner of WC1 WQ2 North 4 v Winner of WC2
WQ3 North 3 v Winner of WC3 WQ4 North 2 v Winner of WC4
Drew University Women at Bard College Women
Manhattanville College Women at LIU Women
Sun 10/30/2016
Conference Semifinals (higher seed is the home team)
WS1 Winner WQ1 v Winner WQ2
WS2 Winner WQ3 v Winner WQ4
Bard College Women at LIU Women
Drew University Women at Manhattanville Women
Sat 11/5/2016 Venue TBA
Conference Championship game
3rd/4th Place Playoff game
Conference Champion, Runner-up and Third placed team advances to Regional Playoffs
Sat 11/12/2016
ACRA/USA Rugby Round of 32
Sat 11/19 & Sun 11/20, 2016
ACRA/USA Rugby Regional Rounds of 16 & 8
Sat 12/3 & Sun 12/4, 2016
ACRA/USA Rugby Fall Final 4
Tri-State Conference Men – Fall 2016 Schedules Announced
The Fall 2016 Conference Schedules have been announced and competition for playoff spots will undoubtedly be fierce. The 12 teams in the North and South Divisions will compete to represent the Conference in the USA Rugby Division II Collegiate Men’s Championship. Meanwhile the 7 teams in the Central Division will send the winner to the National Small College Rugby Organization Championship.
Tri-State Rugby Conference
Collegiate Men
Regular Season
Sat 9/10/2016
Bard College Men at SUNY-Oneonta Men
Sun 9/11/2016
SUNY-New Paltz Men at SUNY-Maritime Men
Monroe College Men at Vassar College Men
Sat 9/17/2016
Rensselaer Polytechnic Men at Union College Men
Marist College Men at Siena College Men
Sun 9/18/2016
Hofstra University Men at Sacred Heart University Men
Molloy College Men at College of New Jersey Men
New Jersey Inst. of Tech. Men at William Paterson University Men
Montclair State Uni. Men at Seton Hall University Men
Drew University Men at SUNY-New Paltz Men
Vassar College Men at Bard College Men
Monroe College Men at SUNY-Maritime Men
Sun 9/25/2016
Siena College Men at Sacred Heart University Men
Union College Men at Marist College Men
Rensselaer Polytechnic Men at Hofstra University Men
William Paterson University Men at Molloy College Men
College of New Jersey Men at Montclair State Uni. Men
Seton Hall University Men at New Jersey Inst. of Tech. Men
Vassar College Men at Drew University Men
SUNY-Oneonta Men at SUNY-New Paltz Men
Bard College Men at Monroe College Men
Sat 10/1/2016
Marist College Men at Rensselaer Polytechnic Men
Sacred Heart University Men at Union College Men
Hofstra University Men at Siena College Men
Drew University Men at SUNY-Oneonta Men
Sun 10/2/2016
Molloy College Men at Montclair State Uni. Men
William Paterson University Men at Seton Hall University Men
New Jersey Inst. of Tech. Men at College of New Jersey Men
SUNY-Maritime Men at Vassar College Men
SUNY-New Paltz Men at Bard College Men
Sat 10/8/2016
Siena College Men at Rensselaer Polytechnic Men
Sun 10/9/2016
Sacred Heart University Men at Marist College Men
Union College Men at Hofstra University Men
Seton Hall University Men at Molloy College Men
Montclair State Uni. Men at New Jersey Inst. of Tech. Men
College of New Jersey Men at William Paterson University Men
Bard College Men at SUNY-Maritime Men
SUNY-Oneonta Men at Vassar College Men
Monroe College at Drew University Men
Sat 10/15/2016
Siena College Men at Union College Men
Monroe College Men at SUNY-Oneonta Men
Sun 10/16/2016
Rensselaer Polytechnic Men at Sacred Heart University Men
Marist College Men at Hofstra University Men
Molloy College Men at New Jersey Inst. of Tech. Men
Seton Hall University Men at College of New Jersey Men
Montclair State Uni. Men at William Paterson University Men
SUNY-Maritime Men at Drew University Men
Vassar College Men at SUNY-New Paltz Men
Sun 10/23/2016
SUNY-Oneonta Men at SUNY-Maritime Men
Monroe College Men at SUNY-New Paltz Men
Drew University Men at Bard College Men
Conference Playoffs – higher seed is the home team
Q1 North 1 v South 4 Con 1 North 5 v South 6
Q2 South 2 v North 3 Con 2 South 5 v North 6
Q3 North 2 v South 3
Q4 South 1 v North 4
Sun 10/30/2016
Conference Semifinals – higher seed is the home team
SF1 Winner WQ1 v Winner WQ2
SF2 Winner WQ3 v Winner WQ4
CSF1 Central 1 v Central 4
CSF2 Central 2 v Central 3
Sat 11/5/16 or Sun 11/6/2016 Venue TBA
Conference Championship game (Winner of SF1 v Winner of SF2)
Div. II 3rd/4th Place Playoff game
NSCRO Championship game (Winner of CSF1 v Winner of CSF2)
NSCRO 3rd/4th Place Playoff game
Venue: TBA
Conference Champion advances to Regional Playoffs
NSCRO Champion advances to Regional Playoffs
Sat 11/12/2016
USA Rugby Wildcard Round
Sat 11/19 & Sun 11/20, 2016
USA Rugby Regional Rounds of 16 & 8
Sat 12/3 & Sun 12/4, 2016
USA Rugby Final 4
New Tri State Website Launch
Great news, the Tri-State Rugby Conference is getting a facelift!
After 5 years the Tri-State web site is now revamped and updated with a number of new features that it is hoped will mean better service to the collegiate rugby community in the metropolitan New York area. The Conference currently serves 16 women’s teams and 19 men’s teams.
Check the web site for news, scores, and divisional standings. In addition, the Conference rules and regulations as well as guidelines for your program are located on the site.
Thank you for your interest and support of collegiate rugby.
Women’s Teams
Vassar College
University at Albany
Marist College
Hofstra University
Stony Brook University
Siena College
SUNY-New Paltz
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.
Fairfield University
Fordham University
Montclair State University
Bard College
Drew University
Long Island University – CW Post
Manhattanville College
Men’s Teams
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Men
Sacred Heart University Men
Siena College Men
Marist College Men
Hofstra University Men
Union College Men
Molloy College Men
New Jersey Inst. of Technology Men
Seton Hall University Men
Montclair State University Men
College of New Jersey Men
William Paterson Uni. Men
Bard College Men
Drew University Men
SUNY-Maritime Men
Monroe College Men
SUNY-New Paltz Men
SUNY-Oneonta Men
Vassar College Men