Reminders on how to notify the Rugby Referee Society of New York (RRSNY) about upcoming matches.
All clubs MUST add their home matches into MatchFacts in order to have a referee assigned to your match.
Q: How do I add Match to MatchFacts?
A: – Register to MatchFacts with your club/team/organization – Add Match within dashboard, ensure the appropriate information is include for RRSNY to approve
Best Practice: Add all team’s known matches at the beginning of the season.
For further, in depth steps visit our website with the following link (see step 3).
Q: Do I have to add tournaments to MatchFacts?
A: YES, in addition it is imperative to note the amount of games that will be expected to be in the tournament so it can be scheduled appropriately. Always include the type of tournament (15s, 7s) and the number of fields.
Q: I already have a MatchFacts account, how do I link to another organization
A: Contact requesting to be added to organization. Title subject “MatchFacts – [Organization Name]” to ensure message is seen. If there are any questions or issues in registering to Match Facts or adding Matches please reply directly to and cc