For Immediate Release
Tri-State Conference Releases Fall 2018 Schedules for Men & Women Collegiate Teams
The Fall 2018 Schedules for the Tri-State Conference Collegiate Rugby Teams are now finalized. The majority of the games are scheduled on Sunday to help accommodate the Rugby Referees Society of New York as they strive to cover all the games each weekend.
Please review the links here to see your team schedule:
TS Fall 2018 M&W All Schedules
TS Women NSCRO Fall 2018 Schedules
Each team needs to have 2 individuals train as a referee as we embark on a program to develop referees. Given that one can earn $90 a game this could well be an opportunity that students should consider. Details of a coaching course will be publish this summer and it could well be that college age referees could cover games senior men’s and women’s club games on Saturdays in the Fall and/or High School games in the spring. If you are interested please contact the RRSNY.